01 Tandem Joy Ride

Joyride with Paragliding

A Tandem Joyride with fly Paragliding, is a two seater joy ride with an seasoned pilot holding an international tendam license and an experience of more than 5000 hours of flying. This is surely the most easiest way to taste the thrill and fun of free flight ! No training or experience required, no one is too young or old for it. Just sit with the pilot on a separate and comfortable seat and enjoy the fun. And yes, do bring your camera along, the world looks wonderful from the top….

01 Tandem Joy Ride

Joyride with Paragliding

A Tandem Joyride with fly Paragliding, is a two seater joy ride with an seasoned pilot holding an international tendam license and an experience of more than 5000 hours of flying. This is surely the most easiest way to taste the thrill and fun of free flight ! No training or experience required, no one is too young or old for it. Just sit with the pilot on a separate and comfortable seat and enjoy the fun. And yes, do bring your camera along, the world looks wonderful from the top….

If you are interested in soaring high in the sky and enjoy the untouched scenic locations, verdant landscapes, mountains, and more from above, Billing is the destination to visit. It offers excellent world-class facility for paragliding and is one of the best gliding sites in the world. Every year, a pre-World-cup paragliding event is organised at Billing. It also organised the very first Paragliding competition as per the rules of Federation Aeronautique International.

If you are interested in soaring high in the sky and enjoy the untouched scenic locations, verdant landscapes, mountains, and more from above, Billing is the destination to visit. It offers excellent world-class facility for paragliding and is one of the best gliding sites in the world. Every year, a pre-World-cup paragliding event is organised at Billing. It also organised the very first Paragliding competition as per the rules of Federation Aeronautique International.

Want to experience paragliding but don’t have the time to learn?

The weekend rush is near. You and your friends have decided to do something adventurous. You’ve already tried skiing, surfing, cliff diving, river rafting, etc. This weekend you’re planning for something different, something as exciting and thrilling. So you choose to go para gliding. But unfortunately, you and your friends haven’t had any prior para gliding training. You’d require a whole week to train for it. You don’t have so much time, so you settle for something less exciting. Your weekend plans are buried and poised. Sounds like a big disappointment, doesn’t it? What if you could experience the thrill of para gliding, without having to learn it?

Want to experience paragliding but don’t have the time to learn?

The weekend rush is near. You and your friends have decided to do something adventurous. You’ve already tried skiing, surfing, cliff diving, river rafting, etc. This weekend you’re planning for something different, something as exciting and thrilling. So you choose to go para gliding. But unfortunately, you and your friends haven’t had any prior para gliding training. You’d require a whole week to train for it. You don’t have so much time, so you settle for something less exciting. Your weekend plans are buried and poised. Sounds like a big disappointment, doesn’t it? What if you could experience the thrill of para gliding, without having to learn it?

02 Tandem Joy Ride

Helps you savour paragliding,
without you having to learn it.

Now, experience the joy of flying without having to worry about your wings. At Himalayan Adventures we make sure you don’t go home disappointed. Our tandem para gliding team will ensure that you get the experience, thrill and excitement of para gliding without having to learn it, yourself. This means you can enjoy the experience of flying like a pro for twenty minutes or more without any training or experience, thanks to an experienced tandem pilot, state of the art equipment and breathtaking sites. Let the pilot do the work while you enjoy the ride and savour the amazing experience, as you settle for nothing less than a bird’s eye view of beautiful hills and long and far stretched green fields.

02 Tandem Joy Ride

Helps you savour paragliding,
without you having to learn it.

Now, experience the joy of flying without having to worry about your wings. At Himalayan Adventures we make sure you don’t go home disappointed. Our tandem para gliding team will ensure that you get the experience, thrill and excitement of para gliding without having to learn it, yourself. This means you can enjoy the experience of flying like a pro for twenty minutes or more without any training or experience, thanks to an experienced tandem pilot, state of the art equipment and breathtaking sites. Let the pilot do the work while you enjoy the ride and savour the amazing experience, as you settle for nothing less than a bird’s eye view of beautiful hills and long and far stretched green fields.

Some Paragliding Tips
To Keep In Mind Are

Some Paragliding Tips
To Keep In Mind Are