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Paragliding World Cup 2015

Paragliding World Cup 2015

The Bir Billing in Himachal is known for its natural beauty and the best paragliding site in the country and perhaps in the world also. It is already a well known site in the world but now again it would be the main attraction in 2015. After hosting Paragliding Pre-World Cup successfully at Bir-Billing last year, it has now got the opportunity to host the Paragliding World Cup by the Paragliding World Cup Association, France in 2015. Himachal Urban Development Minister Sudhir Sharma, who is also Chairman of the Billing Paragliding Association, informed that this would be for the first time in the history of the country that the world cup would be organised in the country. The World Cup would be held from October 24 to 31, next year in which around 150 top ranked pilots of the world would participate, besides 500 free flying pilots. He said it is a great achievement for the hill state to host the first ever Paragliding World Cup in the country. The state had already organised paragliding pre-world cups thrice and last year, it made a bid for organising the World Cup.

Attractions during World Cup
Different kinds of activities would be organised to add attraction to the competition which includes Acrow Show in air and hot ballooning and live trekking system facility would be introduced during the event to ensure safety of pilots and help in fast retrieve and rescue, in case of any emergency, told Sudhir Sharma. He said elaborate arrangements would be made by the state government and the association for successful organisation of the event. The takeoff and landing sites would be ready by the end of this year and rest infrastructure by March, 2015. Sudhir Sharma added that this event would boost the sports and tourism activities in the state and international participants, pilots and other visitors would also be able to witness the majestic beauty of the valley.

2nd in world and top site in asia for Paragliding

The paragliding site at Bir-Billing in Kangra district near Baijnath is viewed as the best site in the world for Paragliding. The most vital peculiarity of this area is its climate. On awful climate days one can in any case fly 20-30 kms and on great days 100 kms is not troublesome. In 1992 the world record of 132.5km for an out-and-return flight was set here. International teams come to challenge the record every May for the Himalayan Hang-Gliding Rally, while paragliders compete in the Himalayan Open in autumn. Now many records are built and broken as this place has become a paradise for paragliders. Special facts of whether about this location which make it incredible-

***** CLIMATE *****

Most important part in paragliding is played by weather. Here in billing one can fly whole year. Nature provided us awesome paragliding conditions. WE feel these are blessing of Good God to us. Some major facts of climate here in bir are:-

1 Thermals of 6-12 meters/sec. in may – June :-

Thermals provide uplift to the paraglider so that one can gain height.3800-4200 meter is normal gain for a experienced pilot here. People gained 5000 meter+ height here. In spring Thermals are 4 to 8 meter per second and in october  – november. It is maximum 7 meter per second. Normally 2-7 meters per second Thermals are available whole year.

2 cloudbase

More higher is the cloud base more one can gain height .Here in billing normally 4000-6000 meters of cloud base is there for the flyers. There for gain of height is little easier here for professionals.

3 Best take off site-

Wind condition at take off site is incredibly smooth and favorable for a good and easy take off also it is connected by road so it is easy to approach.

***** Other Features****

1 Landing site-

Landing a paraglider, as with all unpowered aircraft which cannot abort a landing, involves some specific techniques and traffic patterns. Also it requires  a safe landing zone where minimum threats of accident and quick help is available. Our landing site have all of such kind of amenities. Rescue team is always available at landing site and surrounding in case of any mishappening.

2 Best conditions for Cross-country flying-

pilots can glide from one thermal to the next to go cross country. In many flying areas, cross-country pilots also need an intimate familiarity with air law, flying regulations, aviation maps indicating restricted airspace, etc. Here at Birbilling all favorable conditions for cross country are available naturally.

3 Connectivity-

This place is fully connected by road and train. Also Kangra airport is just 40km far from here.

All These features make this place heaven for paragliding.